EigenLayer Operator Guides

Currently only the Ethereum holesky test network and AO are supported, and the Ethereum main network and other networks will be gradually supported in the future.

Software/Hardware Requirement

  • vCPUs: 2+

  • Memory: 4GiB+

  • Storage: 100GiB+


Please reference to official documentation: Install Docker Engine.

Next, pull the image:

docker pull bavolabs/bavo-network:latest

Clone bavo-labs/bavo-worker-setup:

git clone https://github.com/bavo-labs/bavo-worker-setup.git
cd bavo-worker-setup/bavo-node

Register as Operator on EigenLayer

NOTE: You may skip this section if you are already a registered operator on the EigenLayer testnet and mainnet.

This setup step focuses on generating ecdsa key, bls key, and registering yourself as an operator on EigenLayer.

Complete the following steps according to EigenLayer guide:

  • Install EigenLayer CLI.

  • Generate ECDSA and BLS keypair. You can also import existing ECDSA and BLS keys.

  • Fund some ETH to the ECDSA address above generated. These ETH will be used to cover the gas cost for operator registration and doing task in the subsequent steps.

  • Register on EigenLayer as an operator.

Basic Configurations

For the Ethernet Testnet(Holesky), copy ./config-files/.env.holesky into ./.env. Edit the ./.env and update the values for your own setups.

NOTE: If you plan to operate on Mainnet, then copy .env.mainnet instead of .env.holesky.

Node Info

Set a name to identify yourself, these will be used on the node itself and will be shown on performance metrics in the future.

NODE_NAME="Your Node Name"
NODE_DESCRIPTION="Your Node Name's Description"


Fill in the file path and password of the ECDSA and BLS key you have generated according to Register as Operator on EigenLayer.




The LHE key is used for data sharing, use the following command to generate it.

bash ./run.sh generate-lhe-key [--key-name <NAME>]

The default output is ./keys/default.lhe.key.json, you can specify the key name via --key-name <NAME>.

IMPORTANT! Don't lose this file and save it to a safe place!

Next, fill in the file path of the LHE key you have generated.



Storing data on a contract is expensive, so we are currently using Arweave as the storage blockchain which is cheaper to store data.

By default, we can use Arweave directly. However, the Arweave ecosystem itself has some issues. In order not to suffer from these issues, we using Arseeding instead.

In order to use Arseeding, we need to first transfer/deposit some ETH to everPay, which wallet corresponds to the ecdsa key previously mentioned above.

Alternatively, you can also deposit on EverPay with the following command:

# here set your ethereum wallet path
export WALLET_PATH=/path/to/your/ethereum/wallet.json
# bash ./utils.sh everpay:deposit --chain <CHAIN_TYPE> --symbol <SYMBOL> --amount <AMOUNT>
# e.g.:
# bash ./utils.sh everpay:deposit --chain ethereum --symbol ETH --amount 0.00001

Meanwhile, you can check the balance on EverPay by:

bash ./utils.sh everpay:balance --account <ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> [--symbol <SYMBOL>]

Register to BAVO AVS

If you have registered as an operator on the EigenLayer, you can register to the AVS of BAVO.

NOTE: Please contact BAVO Labs to add your wallet address to the WHITELIST before being able to successfully register!

The following parameters are relevant. All have default values, you may set them according to your actual needs.

# Time after which the operator's signature becomes invalid. Default: 3600
# The operator socket. Default: ""

Next, register the operator to AVS by:

# special a quorum id or quorum id list split by comma. e.g.:
# bash ./run.sh el:register 0
# bash ./run.sh el:register 0,1
bash ./run.sh el:register [--quorum-id-list <ID>]

NOTE: The BAVO AVS now only supports quorum ids of 0. The default value of quorum-id-list is 0.

In general, you only need to perform the registry step once.

Once you have successfully registered to avs, you can get the operator id by:

bash ./run.sh el:get-operator-id

Metrics (Optional)

NOTE: If you want to monitor some metrics, you should set NODE_ENABLE_METRICS to true to enable it.

Metrics can be enabled/disabled by setting NODE_ENABLE_METRICS to true/false. The default value is false. You can also set a port by NODE_METRICS_PORT for the metrics service, which defaults to 9094.

Run Task

Once successfully registered, you can start the task program.

bash ./run.sh task [<name>]

It will start a container named bavo-network[-name] in the background. Some logs will output to ./logs/*.log.

You can Stop/Start/Restart/Remove the container by running docker stop/start/restart/rm bavo-network[-name].

Monitoring (Optional)​

If you have enabled Metrics, you can start monitoring by following the steps below.

Switch folder

Switch to the bavo-worker-setup/monitoring folder.


Config ./prometheus.yml:

  - job_name: "bavo-node"
    scrape_interval: 5s
      # FORMAT container:port
      #   container: bavo-node container name
      #        port: NODE_METRICS_PORT
      - targets: ["bavo-network:9094"]


  • contrainer: If the node started with a name, such as bash ./run.sh task somename, you should update the container to bavo-network-somename. The default value is bavo-network.

  • port: set by NODE_METRICS_PORT. The default value is 9094.


  • Start

docker compose up -d

Ensure Prometheus is run in the same Docker network as BAVO Network Node. Run the following command for this purpose:

docker network connect bavo-network prometheus

You should be able to navigate to http://host:3000 and login with admin/admin (default).

  • Stop

docker compose stop

Add New Workers (Optional)

NOTE: Add New Workers is optional. If you want to execute Ethereum and AO tasks at the same time, you can execute the following command. Otherwise, you do not need to execute the following command.

Add AO Worker

Step 1: Switch to the bavo-worker-setup/bavo-node folder. Reference ./config-files/.env.ao, mainly copy and append the following options and their value to .env:


Step 2: Set your own AR_WALLET_PATH. Reference Arweave Wallet.

Step 3: Register to BAVO AO Process. Reference Register to BAVO AO Process.

Step 4: Remove the old container and re-run the task. Reference Run Task.

You can see the full configuration options from ./config-files/.env.holesky-and-ao.


Utilities are tool scripts that does not need to be executed during startup.

Worker Withdraw

As a worker, you'll get some tokens for each task you complete. Before executing the following script, switch to the bavo-worker-setup/bavo-node folder.

You can get the balance(free, locked) by:

bash ./run.sh worker:balance

and withdraw by (If no amount is specified, the entire free balance is withdrawn):

bash ./run.sh worker:withdraw [--amount <AMOUNT>]

Last updated